Providing us with feedback

At Granta Veterinary Specialists, the whole team is committed to doing all we can to ensure that every patient is expertly and compassionately cared for and not just treated and we aim to serve every pet owner in a spirit of true partnership and trust and with compassion and humility.

However, we are all human and we won’t get it right every time! If you are happy with what we do, we would love you to tell your friends about us, but if you are unhappy it is vital that you tell us, as this will not only enable us to try to correct the problem, but it will also enable us to improve what we do in the future. 

We would therefore love to receive your feedback to let us know how we are doing, regardless of whether it is good or bad, as by understanding how we have made you feel, we will be able to continue to improve. 

Complaints procedure

If sadly you are in anyway dissatisfied with the service you have received from us and wish to raise this directly, we ask that you follow the procedures explained below:

  1. Firstly, we ask that you raise your concerns directly with the person you were dealing with at the time, as this is usually the best way to solve the issue quickly and easily.
  2. If however this doesn’t resolve your concern, or if you would prefer to talk to someone who was not directly involved with your case, please email us directly at A member of the Granta Veterinary Specialists team will review your complaint and contact you directly within two working days to have an informal discussion and try to resolve your concern. We believe that wherever possible it is better to talk through issues, but this discussion can be either via telephone or email as you would prefer.
  3. If you remain dissatisfied, then you are able to raise a formal complaint by emailing us again at and we ask that you include the following information please:
    1. The name of your pet and your name
    2. What the nature of your complaint is and when did the problem arise?
    3. Who specifically was involved?
    4. What outcome are you looking to achieve?
  4. We will then aim to acknowledge your complaint within three working days and will immediately commence an internal investigation into your concerns. Wherever possible we will then provide you with a full response within 21 days, but there may be circumstances in which is takes longer to respond; in this scenario however, we will contact you to explain and let you know and to provide you with a reasonable time frame within which you can expect we will respond fully to you.
  5. We will do all we can to resolve your complaint through this internal complaints procedure. However, if we have failed to do so you have the right to escalate your complaint either to the Veterinary Client Mediation Service or to the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and of course we would assist fully with any process that then occurs.
  6. It is important to ask you to note that if you do make a formal complaint, we may share your information with our insurers, medical indemnity provider or other professional advisors if we believe that this will help us resolve your complaint more effectively.